The People of Transition House

How Transition House Aided in my Recovery
“For over eight years after getting out of prison in 2014, I struggled to live a life of my own that was anything more than bare survival, and little else. I lived out of a minivan for over three of those years, showering at the gym after work and quietly drinking myself to death almost every single night on the twin mattress I had in the back.
Transition House took me in, accepted me, and offered a kind, guiding hand towards a better way of living. Over the course of just over one year, their never-ending kindness, understanding, and professionalism helped rebuild me into a decent man. They gave me what no other sober living program or Oxford House ever had, or ever could: Patience, and time to actually heal.
I have been living on my own since February of 2024, after graduating the Transition House Program. I do not need food stamps or government assistance to live successfully on my own two feet, and I have honestly never been happier with who I am, or where I find myself in life each morning I open my eyes. Thank you, Transition House!”
Gene, TLP Graduate 2024
I Once Was A Child
Messages from the People of Transition House
This clip is filled with powerful messages from the People of Transition House.
Self-advocacy is part of the empowerment that helps people on their journey to a better life.
Krisa’s Message of Hope
“I’ve been through a lot of trauma and pain, and at that point, no one had ever taught me there was a better way… or told me I was better than that. I never knew there was a way out.
There is always a way out. You just have to believe in yourself and believe that God always has your back and You do have to put the work in every day.
If this can help just one person… that makes a big difference in my life.
For most people using, trauma and unworthiness is the big underlying problem. You can’t just put people in a box and tell them to stop using.
I was fortunate that I was finally able to receive the necessary and appropriate treatment for my trauma to help me heal and move on so I could ultimately recover and succeed in life.”
Transition House Does Save and Change Lives
“In February of 2008 I became a Client in the Transition House program. While I was there for the 14 months, my life totally changed. With the help, love and support of the Transition House Staff I went from not wanting to live to learning how to live life at its fullest. Transition House Saved and Changed my life. Today I am a member of the Transition House Advisory Council because I get to see and be a part of all the lives they are still Saving and Changing. I am Blessed and Honored to be able to work with (and give back to) such a dedicated Team of individuals who care so deeply about the lives of their Clients.”
Steven Boyer – MA, C-PRSS
Retired Recovery & Empowerment Specialist, Griffin Memorial Hospital
Thanks to Transition House…
I am proud to say “Thank you” for where I am today. Thank you staff at TH for all the love and guidance you all gave to me in a very lost time in my life. I and the staff of TH worked hard for my goal. Mental wellness doesn’t happen overnight. I had to have the hope that my life could be better. The desire and willingness to keep going forward was also necessary to reach my goal. I could not have done this alone. I am a woman of faith and believe God led me to get the help and guidance that I needed and that came from Transition House. I wouldn’t be here today, enjoying my life with my family, 2 daughters, 5 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. Life is great at 72 years of age. I am very blessed.
Sharon shared her story years before others. We honor her courage and memory. Sharon passed away on October 18th, 2024 at the age of 75. Her story lives on - providing hope for others as Sharon would have wanted.
Sharon, TLP Graduate 1989
Celebrating Steve’s
Retirement & Achievements
Novemeber 28, 2023

Marlon’s Gift
Sometimes things fall into place and people find their way to Transition House. Marlon’s connection with Transition House happened at a time when he needed support and connection. Below is his powerful message - Becoming the Restored Hearted.

Jay’s Thoughts…
Transition House - My Biggest Blessing
In February of 2018 I became a client in the Transition House Program. Transition House provided me with a stable and safe environment that gave me time to heal mentally and emotionally. This brought me to the point where I could once again imagine a better future for myself. I also found myself capable of doing the groundwork necessary to rebuild my broken life. None of this would have been possible without my new ‘family’ at Transition House. The entire staff is very devoted to their mission. Without their support I have no idea what my life would look like today. None of the many blessings that are in my life today would have been possible if Transition House wasn’t a great part of my past. Thank You! and God Bless You! Transition House!
Lamont Pfaff - BSBA - PCAI
Patient Care Assistant II, Griffin Memorial Hospital
Glad I have Transition House
As I sit here thinking about life choices, I feel like the hamster in the wheel sometimes. At 25 years old, I was in a nursing home. A lot has changed over the past 16 years. I’ve been employed part time for 13 years at OU. I enjoy traveling so I saved up and have taken 2 trips to Hawaii and now each year I take the train to San Antonio. Glad I have Transition House to keep me straight. I wouldn’t be anywhere without them. So glad to be associated with Transition House.
Now I Walk with my Head Held High because I am Worthy.. aiden
Before I was accepted into the Transitional Living Program at Transition House, I was on a path of self-destruction, and I was using and had given up hope of ever getting clean and honestly I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to deal with all the feelings so staying high seemed to be a better choice. Through the continuous support and encouragement from a friend, I applied to Transition House and after a couple of months of waiting, I was accepted.
The first few months of my program were no walk in the park. The meth didn’t ever truly make me happy… All that it did was mask the pain. Seeing others in the group I was using with struggle and self-destruct so quickly, it scared me half to death and I began thinking of giving up drugs because I no longer wanted a chemical to control my life. I wanted to be in control. Thanks to my healthy support group who truly believed in me, believed I could change and had faith in me, I was able to take the next step in my process of change.
Through the help of the staff, I started to take my med’s more routinely and they finally started working. I was finally able to get a feeling of control of my mind and my addiction. Once again, I found my hope. A hope of a life where I will be healthy and thrive. And now that I am sober, my lifestyle has changed completely. Now I walk with my head held high because I am worthy.